
Beneath the Cherry Blossoms: The Melody of the Guqin and Farewell - The Story of Lin Qing and Xiao Yu

 The Melody of the Guqin and Farewell

In the busy urban life, Lin Qing is an ordinary white-collar worker who commutes daily through the towering skyscrapers of the CBD area. Her life is monotonous and dull until one spring afternoon when she encountered Xiao Yu in a small park near her office.

That day, with the sunlight just right and a warm spring breeze brushing past, Lin Qing came to the park alone to relieve work stress. She sat on a bench, gazing at the blooming cherry blossoms not far away, petals fluttering in the gentle breeze, which seemed to lighten her mood considerably. It was then that a slender figure caught her eye. Xiao Yu stood under a cherry blossom tree, playing an ancient melody on a guqin with focused attention. The melody seemed enchanting, instantly capturing Lin Qing's heart.

Their meeting was not romantic or deliberate. Intrigued by the music, Lin Qing approached politely and asked Xiao Yu if she could sit nearby and listen to him play. Xiao Yu looked up, smiled, and nodded. And so, two strangers began their first conversation. She was drawn to Xiao Yu's talent and gentleness, while Xiao Yu was moved by Lin Qing's sincerity and kindness.

As time passed, their relationship quickly warmed. Every weekend, they would meet under the cherry blossom tree, Xiao Yu playing the guqin while Lin Qing listened quietly, occasionally sharing small details of their lives. Lin Qing discovered that Xiao Yu was not only an exceptionally talented guqin player but also a person with a rich inner world. Each interaction left Lin Qing feeling fulfilled and happy.

However, beautiful moments are often fleeting. On a rainy twilight evening, Xiao Yu suddenly told Lin Qing that he was leaving the city to pursue his musical dreams. Lin Qing's heart was instantly torn, unable to imagine how she would go on without Xiao Yu. Despite this, she chose to support him, encouraging him to chase his dreams.

On the day of their parting, rain soaked the entire city, blurring Lin Qing's vision. Xiao Yu gave her a gift—a wooden flute he had carved himself. It was their last meeting under the cherry blossom tree. Xiao Yu played a piece titled "Farewell," a melody so sad yet touching, each note seemed to speak of their love.

After Xiao Yu left, Lin Qing's life became empty and lonely. Whenever she looked at the wooden flute, endless longing and pain surged in her heart. To commemorate this unforgettable love, Lin Qing decided to etch the memory permanently on herself. She found a tattoo artist and had a classical woman holding a wooden flute tattooed on her back. The woman wore a melancholy expression, surrounded by blooming cherry blossoms—a symbol of her and Xiao Yu's love.

Every time Lin Qing saw the tattoo in the mirror, a wave of bitterness washed over her. She knew that this love was now in the past, but those moments and Xiao Yu's smile would forever remain in her memory, the most beautiful yet poignant part of her life.